Whiton Family Downloads

The files here include a GEDCOM of the first five generations of the Whiton Family in America, and a text version of the descendants in two formats’.

Betty Rose was the Genealogy Chair Woman from 1977 until her death on February 14, 2017. The volume of work she created was massive, spanned more than twelve generations and fills nine three ring binders. Her research had found discrepancies in the information presented in the Whiton Family in America publica-tion from 1932 and she had assembled additional information on the female descendants of Thomas. Beginning in the winter of 2014, Connie DeWitt (#304,) began to address the considerable genealogical information assembled by Betty. During this update, the numbering system has gone from the old Register system used in the 1932 publication to the more modern National Genealogical Society Quarterly system which gives everyone, male or female a number, whether they had any known offspring or not. Please note that although new numbers have been added, none of the old numbers have gone away. The new numbering system will make it possible to add information about female members and those “lost” to the family or rediscovered by more recent research. At this point, Connie has completed the compilation of the first five generations of Betty’s work into a new family tree using Family Tree Maker.

If you have comments, corrections or information about these first five generations, please contact Connie at cdesignvt@gmail.com.

Family Tree File

Whiton Family First 5 Generations GEDCOM File

Descendants of James Whiton

First Five Generations Revision: June 26 2022
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